A dad and daughter join forces with others to prevent extinction of the GENTLE GIANTS, unveil the extreme elephant crisis, and search for solid solutions.

Elephants on the Edge… of Extinction… & on the Edge of Hope!

Breathtaking cinematography of these "noble beasts" from the Serengeti to Salt Lake City. From Hong Kong to Hollywood. From the Congo to India. From the Savannah to Tropical Rainforest.

Fiona & Craig Huxley have reached the 3-year final lap of their 90 minute action documentary filmed around the globe. Daughter & dad embark together to take on the most massive mammal meltdown in memory

On the edge of extinction, elephants face a countdown to vanishing.

Time to lift the curtain off  THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM.

Wildlife Wakeup Call founders, dad and daughter hosts of upcoming elephant documentary, (Craig Huxley and Fiona Huxley) speak to Environmental Biologist Dr. Arnie Newman about elephant relationships.

Digital Shorts...Edu-Comedies:

In honor of #WorldElephantDay Wildlife Wakeup Call founder, Fiona Huxley, presents 11 elephant fun facts. More info at http://www.wildlifewakeupcall.org

Creating digital shorts with characters delivering information about elephants, is a unique way Wildlife Wakeup Call reaches out to youth.

Fiona Huxley voices 25 accents and languages for elephant conservation.
  • Alice in Tuskerland. Alice & Mad Hatter take on Red Queen who thirsts for ivory.

  • Star Trek to Save Elephants. Peter James Kirk, Vulcan, & Kilngon discuss the plight of the pachyderms.

  • 11 Elephant Fun Facts. Presenting education in an entertaining way.

  • Stars Sing to Save elephants. Fiona sings as famous singers who sing about elephants

  • Cave Girl meets T-Rex. Valley cave girl talks about the elephants from a teen take.

  • 25 Accents & Languages. Fiona delivers dialects & languages about elephants.